Oct 2024 UK Hiring Alert: Skilled Workforce for £11.79 to £22.99 Per Hour

UK Hiring Workforce 2024

The UK is providing an opportunity to people who want to settle in the country on a working visa. The Skilled Labour Level 2 visa has been opened up by the government of the UK, allowing people to work and live here. The environment in the country is secure, coordinated and adaptable. According to sources, after five years one can apply for a changeless visa with extra benefits like travel with family, charitable work, visiting overseas, and returning to the UK. 

The measure was taken by the government due to a reduction in the workforce in the country. The UK government has stated some occupations where labour is required which need to be included. The UK government has increased the job titles and hourly wages. Also, people having qualified work visas will be provided with a hike in compensation for people. People under a five-year employment period in the UK will be granted Permanent residency.

Job Lists

Here is the list of jobs provided to be applied for a UK work visa:

  • Carpenter:

The role of a carpenter includes creating wooden frames, cutting, and shaping wood into some object. It also consists of building systems, counting dividers, floors and doorframes. Review and replace damaged structures and install them.

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  • Electrician: 

The electrician plays an important role in the electric wiring of the buildings, transmission to the required places, and connection to the relevant devices. A circuit tester or a wireman establishes and repairs the electric control systems in homes, businesses, corporations, buildings, schools, hospitals, etc. Their duties include wiring the system, checking for electric issues, and conducting electricity maintenance.

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  • Plumber:

The plumber establishes and maintains the water supply, misuses exchange system systems, and related household equipment. A handyman or Plumbing Maintenance Expert is a talented artisan responsible for inserting, checking, repairing, creating plumbing systems, testing and installing equipment correctly. Looking for blockages, broken parts or leaks is also part of their job.

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  • Welder:

Welders are responsible for joining steel components and assembling materials such as metal pieces and other hardware. They use welding machines, to install the objects or repair them by joining elements of the metal things. The tasks also include welding, cutting, pounding and cleaning metal.

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  • Roofer

The roofers, generally, insert and strengthen housetops made with different materials. These artisans usually work in domestic, commercial and private building buildings and construct, repair and maintain roofs. Such a job requires persistence, consistency and securely developing premises.

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  • HVAC Proficient:

The HVAC proficients are engaged in creating warming, ventilation and air conditioning systems. They usually install, maintain and repair ventilation equipment and arrange the framework for ACs. The applicant must be able to diagnose electric and mechanical flaws in HVAC systems and perform repairs. Also, there are specialized courses in this regard with on-the-job training.

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  • Machinery Chairman:

The work of a machinery chairman is to handle the equipments and utilize it to generate value. The responsibility of an Authoritative collaborator is to perform clerical duties by receiving calls and emails, welcoming, and coordinating with office guests, creating spreadsheets and orientation of staff members.

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  • Scaffolder:

A scaffolder is someone who erects and dismantles frameworks for construction companies. They aggregate and destroy the metal elements of developing structures and buildings so that the other workers can work on height. They are engaged in development, redesign or demolition.

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Basic Requirements

  • Under a sponsorship, you have to gain a valid offer from an approved employer, which includes holding a certificate of sponsorship.
  • This must be something attesting that the kind of job they are offering you is listed among the ones approved for UK occupations. 
  • The job must be paid at or above the minimum wage and, for shortlist jobs, it must have a qualification, relevant to the job, or at least have a bachelor’s qualification in that related field.
  •  Experience is another more important factor; each job has different experience levels as usual which range from zero to two years. 
  • For skilled tradespeople, like bakers or carpenters, two years of experience is a must.
  • Appropriate applicants should possess transferable skills and qualifications directly relevant to the profession, such as carpentry, plumbing, or electrical work. Proficiency in English is also required for all the above-skilled roles; usually demonstrated through tests like IELTS. 
  • In addition, they must have the legal right to work in the UK usually by employer-sponsored visas.
  •  However, some skilled entry-level roles may exist without a previous employment requirement: charity workers or other support staff


  • Remote workers who are sponsored with a visa can get employment and work within the UK; one cannot get employment in their home country for jobs offered in the UK.
  • High-quality jobs exist in retail, hospitality, and customer services in the UK, involving good pay and benefits.
  • Life in the UK allows the individual to experience British culture, enhancing personal and cultural development.
  • The sponsored worker can bring over his family members to the UK; thus, they live together in close proximity with access to public services.
  • Skilled workers with visas will eventually qualify to apply for permanent residency and, after some time, gain British citizenship, ensuring long-term security.

Salary given

Since the pay still depends on factors such as tutoring, involvement, and the boss’ actions among others, it is not so simple to give a straightforward answer. On average, the hourly pay is between £11.79 and £22.99 at best.

Method to Apply

  • Job Ask and See Method: Distinguish boss capabilities and exercises in your discipline.
  • Work opportunity: You will get a work offer if you are productive. Remember that the offer comes with visa sponsorship if you need it.
  • Apply for a visa: Sharpen the right work visas with the approach advocated. The skilled employees will receive work visas instantly. Also, the employer must issue a certificate of sponsorship.
  • Be ready to migrate: Once your visa is confirmed, prepare for your UK international ID. On visa confirmation, make arrangements for UK international identity documents. This includes applying for a settlement, anticipating the cost of areas of dwelling, and getting familiarized with the British subculture and rules.
  • Report to your unused work: If you are inside the UK section, begin with your current portion and all the main onboarding strategies.

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