$28 Age Pension Increase 2024: Key Facts

The Australian government announced, in 2024, a $28 increase in the Age Pension, aimed at improving the pocketbook conditions of elderly people. This article reports on the new value, and eligibility conditions, and pay days.

New Amount of Age Pension

With the final adjustment, the highest age pension for the single will be $1,066.50 per fortnight, while for couples, it will be a total amount of $1,607.60.

All these just contribute to the continuance efforts that the government is doing in supporting older Australians as the cost of living continues to rise. The adjustment implements the changes from the consumer price index and wages in bringing about a liveable standard among pensioners.

Eligibility Requirement

Applicants of Age Pension must qualify in certain aspects such as age and residence, among which is a financial assessment. The eligibility of applicants for the pension typically requires them to have an age starting from 66 years and reaching 67 by the year 2025, and they should have been within Australian territory for ten years. There are also income and assets tests for those who want to obtain pensions by the state. All these factors will determine the pension a particular individual will receive.

Payment Dates

The age pension payments are made fortnightly. The payment automatically gets deposited in the account maintained by the recipients in the bank. Based on the date of payment of the following months, it is seen that the pattern remains regular- every Monday and Tuesday.

Pensioners are advised to be updated with the official website of Centrelink about the schedule of payments and changes in the eligibility criteria for drawing the pension.


This $28 increase to the Age Pension would also be an open boost for many aged Australians and further emphasizes the government’s acknowledgment of the financial struggles most older Australians undergo.

From these eligible recipients, it is only prudent they keep abreast of their entitlements and seek relevant updates on what is expected of them in terms of payment dates, among other factors.

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